About Us

As a feminist organization, IRV practice mainstreaming gender in organizational approaches simultaneously in all initiatives, project levels and stages, including formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. IRV perceive gender equality and human rights an intrinsic element of a project’s objectives, activities, deliverables and outcomes, because these two dimensions are crucial for ensuring that everyone benefits equally from the gains of the development process. We believe that it is necessary to ensure bottom up approach and work directly with the disadvantaged community moving us an environmentally and socially just society. Through this process the organization is trying to participate and formulate a holistic, transformational development approach.



It has been taking national and local level initiatives for poor, marginal & small farmers, fisher folk, indigenous and Dalits women, child and forest people. Besides direct field interventions IRV is organizing network with different like-minded individuals, organizations, forums and also providing support for capacity building, developing information network, conducting research, action research, campaign and Advocacy. IRV has been directly working with grassroots community especially indigenous and dalits communities also with partner organizations. We also work closely with civil society, academician, local elected bodies and development activists.



A society of justice and equity, flourishing in symbiotic economic, socio-cultural, and environmental harmony, radiating a positive impact on every life.


Mission Statement

Striving for a society free of inequality and poverty, providing diverse opportunities and empowering indigenous and marginalized communities, fostering sustainable development through Gender Equity, Human Rights and Good Governance, Environmental Resource Management, Disaster Risk Management, Adaptation to Climate Change, Education, Information Management, Health, and Secure Livelihoods.



Empower communities for equitable, just, and sustainable development



  • Ensure rights and inclusiveness for the poor and disadvantaged.
  • Promote community and women’s knowledge systems for sustainable development.
  • Uphold human rights, transparency, and good governance.
  • Facilitate community participation in development initiatives.
  • Conserve the environment, ecology, and biodiversity.
  • Uphold people’s access and rights to common property, focusing on climate-resilient livelihood.
  • Promote knowledge, information, and data-sharing.
  • Advocate for government accountability.
  • Enhance community resilience with effective disaster response and mitigation.
  • Empower women and drive transformative change for marginalized women’s lives.
  • Strengthen communities with adaptive strategies for climate change challenges.



Development Approach

  • Community-Centric: Prioritize marginalized groups for inclusive development
  • Holistic Development: Comprehensive initiatives for sustainable impact
  • Inclusive Practices: Ensuring active participation and representation
  • Gender Mainstreaming: Integrating gender perspectives across all programs
  • Environmental Sustainability: Embed eco-friendly and resilient practices
  • Resource Optimization: Ensure efficient use of resources for maximum impact
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Networking for effective program implementation
  • Data-Informed: Utilizing information for strategic decision-making
  • Transparent Governance: Uphold honesty, integrity, and disciplined operations



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